Michael O'Brien 50th Anniv.
Ribbon, 1899,
Archives of St. PatrickParish |
The news had spread across the city even before the tolling
of the bell. Father Michael O’Brien, the
nephew and successor of Fathers Timothy and John O’Brien, and present pastor of
St. Patrick Church was dead. He had left
Lowell weeks prior on a whirlwind trip of Rome and then to spend time with his
family in County Tipperary where he was born.
He had left with his cousin, Father William O’Brien, pastor of St.
Michael’s Church and a number of other diocesan priests. While in Paris visiting the Eiffel Tower; he
bumped into a fellow Lowellian, a local businessman, where the two greeted each
other. This was just days before his
death. While in Rome he had an audience
with the Pope and wrote home that he was about to bring back the Papal Blessing
to his parishioners.
Michael O’Brien was born in 1825 into a large family in the
little village of Ballina, Co. Tipperary, Ireland. His family was well-known for vocations to
the priesthood so it was no surprise that young Michael would enter All Hallows
College in Dublin. He envisioned himself
in the missionary fields of the States and began his priestly career in the
backcountry of New York which was then extended to include Pennsylvania. Traveling by horse he would make his rounds
going from town to town celebrating Mass and performing weddings and
baptisms. Life for the young priest was
far from easy often being caught out in violent storms and extreme
temperatures. He related one incident
when after traveling for some distance he came upon a town only to find there
were no Catholics. Things turned worse
when he found that a gang of men employed to extend the railroad in that part
of New York, had no liking for an Irishman, especially an Irish priest. Fortunately, a Protestant gentleman came upon
the scene and tossed the ringleader aside saving the priest. On another occasion he came upon a shanty
where whiskey was being brewed. In anger
at seeing the drunkenness of the railroad workers he promptly broke open casks
and spilled the contents on the ground.
He was arrested for the task, but was soon released. While in Rochester, NY he built St. Patrick’s
Church. There he also built a school and
brought in the Christian Brothers to staff it.
It was believed to be one of the first parochial schools in the
country. Father Michael joined his aging
uncle, Father John O’Brien in Lowell at St. Patrick’s, and upon his death
became pastor.
Father Michael was spending the last few days of his trip
anticipating the journey home. He spent
the night in Shallee a crossroads between Killaloe and Nenagh. Just as he was about to retire he had a bout
of apoplexy, what we would call today a stroke.
Several priests including his cousin, Fr. William O’Brien, were with
him. He remained conscious until just
before he passed. They were all shocked
due to the fact of the good spirits and health he was in just prior to the
The priest himself and his family were so revered that the
road to St. Mary church in Nenagh was lined for 2 miles with those who wanted
to pay their respects. Fr William wanted
to bring the body back to Lowell for burial, but American officials required a
certificate proving embalming. None could
be found immediately in Ireland and one was sent from London. The church of St Mary held the body and
Masses were said before it was transported to Queenstown and its voyage home on
the ship Saxonia.
Michael O'Brien Funeral Invite,
Archives of St. Patrick Parish |
Back in Lowell plans were underway for the arrival of the
body. Many storefronts hung wreaths or
made displays in their storefronts. Even
prominent Protestant businessmen covered their doors or made tributes. Fr. Burke had been acting pastor since June
and now preparations were up to him. Archbishop Williams would be the main
celebrant and then there were all the clergy.
Dignitaries had to be invited and seated accordingly. There was much discussion and one might
imagine heated debate on who would escort the body and act as bearers. Undertaker O’Donnell and 2 priests went in
expectation of the steamer’s arrival.
Due to conditions at sea it was delayed several days and all plans had
to be put on hold. Finally the Saxonia
arrived. The undertaker and priests
opened the casket to confirm the remains and instantly made the decision to not
have an open casket due to the condition of the body. The body was brought to a Boston undertaker
where they had to be re-embalmed. They
rearranged the vestments he was robed in and closed the casket.
At the Lowell depot, people crowded on both sides of the railroad
track making it difficult for the engine to enter the station. It was agreed that the Cadet Band, founded by
the late priest and made up of male youth of the parish accompanied the hearse
from Fletcher and down Adam Streets. The
weight of the casket was such it took much effort to take it off the train and
into the hearse. Every society,
fraternity, and organization it seemed wanted its place in the cortege to the
church. The altars of the church were
draped in black crepe. The stations of
the cross were covered in black with white crosses. The columns were covered in black with shafts
of wheat tied with white bunting. From
the ceiling hung yards of the same material draping down onto the altar. The outside doorways were also covered.
People pushed and shoved in the doorways as the casket was
borne into the church. The priests
intoned the Office of the Dead. The body
lay in state from September 13th to the 17th where a
constant vigil of prayers and Masses were said.
Reporters stated that many openly wept as they approached the catafalque
on which the heavy metal casket rested.
On the day of the funeral crowds had to be kept back as there was
limited space in the church. The mayor
even called off school, a decision that was later publically questioned by a
Protestant minister as mixing church and state.
People stood outside the church as early as dawn in hopes of being
allowed in for the funeral. The entire
main aisle was reserved for clergy and government officials. When the doors opened there was a mad rush
for the side aisles with many standing 2 or 3 deep in the back of the
church. The windows were kept open so
those outside could hear the service.
Floral tributes filled the church and covered the casket, including one
from “friends in Ireland.”
At 10 sharp the final Office of the Dead was chanted. The choir, representing every Catholic parish
in the city sang the Pontifical Mass. A
lengthy talk was given by a Bishop and finally the body was escorted out the
door and down the front steps of the church that he had called home for much of
his life. As he wished, Father Michael
O’Brien was interred in the front yard of the church alongside his uncles John
and Timothy. The De Profundis (Out of the depths I cry unto you, O Lord)
was intoned by the clergy and the casket was lowered into the vault.
The Sun reported that without any exaggeration Lowell had
never seen a funeral such as this.
Michael, John, and Timothy O’Brien remain today in the
shadow of the church, and in the midst of the people, they loved so much.