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Patrick Cummiskey Jug |
The history of temperance in the 19th century had
its ups and downs in the city and the state.
To point out Mr. Gallagher as “the” rum hole on Market Street is
unfair. There were untold numbers on
Market Street and throughout the city.
As soon as one was closed down another would open. The Acre and along Central Street were the
most notable places to find them. There
were waves of hundreds even thousands of individuals in Lowell taking the temperance
pledge, followed by periods of quiet tolerance of imbibing. Fr. James McDermott of St Patrick and later
St Mary churches was a promoter of the pledge and was noted by Protestant
clergy as a model for his people. It’s
interesting to note that one of Lowell’s premier Irishmen, Hugh Cummiskey, took
the pledge and donated money to purchase temperance medals to be distributed to
oath takers. Yet a short time later Rose
Cummiskey (Hugh’s wife perchance?) is caught selling liquor.
The term “drunkard” was used multiple times on a daily basis
for decades in the local papers, often attached to an Irish surname. Trying to a keep a tally of the numbers
arrested and the $2 fine often attached to it became laborious. In any given month there weren’t just dozens,
but dozens of dozens. Males were not the
only perpetrators. Females were listed
as well, sometimes being found passed out in alleys or having to be dragged out
of rum holes. Mrs. Ryan was one of the
female operators of one such establishment in the Acre. Repeat offenders could be given a higher
fine ($3 or $5) and others were sent away.
A sad case in the 1850s was that of a father and son repeatedly being
arrested for drunkenness and petty crimes.
The writer said the son was a “chip off the old block.”
Those who frequented such places had to be on guard since
there were many occasions of patrons being beaten and robbed. Even innocent citizens passing by had to be
aware of who was loitering near such places.
Gangs would assault men beating them and removing their “purses”. The perpetrators were often identified as
being Irish “ruffians”.
What did the citizens of Lowell think? Was this an example of prejudice against the
Irish, or the reporting of a problem of society at large? There are a number of articles noting the
lack of temperance in the city, almost to the point of outrage. Some of these articles do point to the Irish
population directly and the decline in the city’s morals with their increasing
number. On the counterpart there are
voices that speak out about the good work being done by the likes of the Fr.
Mathew Temperance Society and other organizations. Added to that there are voices that speak of
the problem belonging to society as a whole and ask how to solve the conditions
that could bring about such conditions.
How would we have reacted living in Lowell and seeing such
The Parish Archives contains a number of ceramic jugs and
bottles from this period. One of our
prized possessions is a ceramic jug from Patrick Cummiskey’s store at 83 Market
Street (probably a nephew of Hugh).
We’re always looking to increase our holdings. If you have photos, printed items, or artifacts
that tell the story of Lowell’s Irish or the Acre, drop us a line.