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Lowell Courier, December 1857 |
December of 1857 proved to be a rather turbulent time in the
city of Lowell, specifically in the Irish neighborhood. Newspapers across the Northeast were
reporting the lawlessness that had been incurring since the recent civic
elections. There were pleas for the
Irish to cease their carousing and return to order. If not, the strong arm of the law should be
called out to quell the outbreaks.
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Lowell City Directory, 1856 |
The Officers of the Peace were reporting ongoing
rowdiness, especially along Lowell Street (Market Street). One officer came face to face
with a pistol being held by an Irish rum seller. Luckily it misfired and the officer’s life
was spared. The troubles seemed to be
brewing around the “Irish cellars.” Rum
sellers opened up the basements of their tenements into make-shift, illegal bar
rooms. The Acre was filled with them. As soon as one was closed, another
opened. The courts were overloaded with
cases of illegal sale of spirits. They
lined up before the judge, along with Mrs. Quinn who was running a house of ill
fame, but the rum runners were the major problem. It seemed that there was much jubilation over
recent elections that would get out of control and spill into the streets.
What was the cause? A
look at the previous months might give us a hint. The Know-Nothing Party had been in power in
Lowell, in Massachusetts, and across the country for a number of years. They
preached a policy of “Americanism.” The
fear was that foreigners, in this case Irish Catholics, were going to take over
the country. The thought of the Irish
becoming part of the political process brought fear to many native born
Americans. With so many Irish in Lowell
the fear grew like a cancer. There were
even rumors that the Irish would cast votes illegally in order to get their
Democratic candidates into office who would bring an end to the Know-Nothing
Party. The mills had suffered financial set-backs. Jobs had become scarce with some Irish
wishing to return to the native homeland.
Things began turning around. More
and more Irish were becoming active voters and following the Democratic Party. With the election of Dr. Elisha Huntington,
who had been courting the Irish vote, as mayor of Lowell, the Irish saw this as
the beginning of the end to their troubles.
To others it meant that rum sellers and foreigners were taking over the
city. To the Irish, even a small victory
of a mayor who recognized their presence, was cause for celebration.